Assalammualaikum warahmatullah...
Apa khabar sahabat?
Tiba2 hati ini terasa teramat sayu. Fikiran melayang2. Entah apa yang difikirkan? Saya kurang pasti. Apa yang terlintas di ketika ini adalah tentang hala dan arah tuju kehidupan. 1 Oktober 2010 yang lalu genap umur saya 30 tahun. Lebih kurang 25 tahun lagi untuk sampai ke umur wajib bersara. Heheh...
Terlalu kosong.
Tanpa sunyi.
Tanpa sepi.
Situations come and situations go. We not know what the outcome will be. Giving up not an option but a sign of being weak. I think i'll just take all the positives and let the negatives leak. I try hardest to be the good and the best that i can. Take the bad and turn it good and the good into better.
Apa khabar sahabat?
Tiba2 hati ini terasa teramat sayu. Fikiran melayang2. Entah apa yang difikirkan? Saya kurang pasti. Apa yang terlintas di ketika ini adalah tentang hala dan arah tuju kehidupan. 1 Oktober 2010 yang lalu genap umur saya 30 tahun. Lebih kurang 25 tahun lagi untuk sampai ke umur wajib bersara. Heheh...
Terlalu kosong.
Tanpa sunyi.
Tanpa sepi.
Situations come and situations go. We not know what the outcome will be. Giving up not an option but a sign of being weak. I think i'll just take all the positives and let the negatives leak. I try hardest to be the good and the best that i can. Take the bad and turn it good and the good into better.
Keep my head up and move forward through all the bad weather. Mistakes are okay as long as i learn cause nobodies perfect. Be prepared for the possibilities and prepared to leave the past in the past and be prepared to grow.
For me, life is like a book.
It's have the cover and pages and the theme. But, not everything is the same on each page you see. Life can be in routine or it can change like every night lay to dream. Life is like a book that have different stages in life. The beginning wrote hardly anything and the middle is most interesting.
Life is like a book that can have time to go through it get into each day. But, when the book ends, there is no more life i say! Life is like a book. Because, it begins and ends has so much detail and souls to win or to gain popularity To fall in love with life is like a book it all matters on which life and book you pick.
It's have the cover and pages and the theme. But, not everything is the same on each page you see. Life can be in routine or it can change like every night lay to dream. Life is like a book that have different stages in life. The beginning wrote hardly anything and the middle is most interesting.
Life is like a book that can have time to go through it get into each day. But, when the book ends, there is no more life i say! Life is like a book. Because, it begins and ends has so much detail and souls to win or to gain popularity To fall in love with life is like a book it all matters on which life and book you pick.
I know it’s too late and i should go to bed. I know that tomorrow will give me no rest. Sleep is so mean. It imposes itself. It never forgives whoever stays awake. I know it’s late. I’m going to bed. I’ll put writing aside.
.... And sleep instead....