It Is Very Hard To Say The Exact Truth, Even About Your Own Immediate Feelings
Much Harder Than To Say Something Fine About Them Which Is Not The Exact Truth
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Hari ini, berlaku lagi gempa yang boleh dirasai oleh rakyat permai bumi Malaysia. Rata2 antara kita juga berkongsi pelbagai maklumat dan pengalaman dari masa ke masa bermula daripada gegaran kuat yang dirasai ptg tadi. Pelbagai spekulasi akan berlakunya tsunami juga disebarkan. Untuk apa? Amaran dan peringatan kepada sahabat2.
Sampai ke saat dan ketika ini, belum ada apa2 berita tentang berlakunya tsunami dan amaran juga ditarik balik. Tunggu sahajalah apa yang bakal berlaku. Semuanya qada' dan qadar Allah swt yang Maha Berkuasa menjadikan dan menentukan sesuatu. Kun fayakun...
Ramai juga yang menyebarkan berita palsu dek kerana keghairahan berkongsi maklumat sesama sahabat. Mungkin juga ada antara mereka yang tidak sedar maklumat palsu boleh mencetuskan pelbagai rasa kurang senang terhadap sahabat2 yang merasai atau mengalami situasi yang sebenar.
Saya perhatikan, ada juga antara sahabat2 facebook yang menerima makian gara2 menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak benar atau sipi2 sahaja kebenarannya. Propaganda yang mengundang publisiti.
Ada juga saya bercadang untuk berkongsi situasi cemas yang dialami lapan tahun yang lalu. Di mana ketika itu, baru 5 bulan menetap di Taman Putra Perdana. Pendek kata, masih kuat lagi bau simen di setiap ruang di rumah ini.
Masih segar lagi beberapa anggota Majlis Perbandaran bermotorsikal yang meronda Putra Perdana kerana kes anjing serang budak ketika semua penghuni Ruvena Villa berlari turun dan berkumpul di padang dek kerana gegaran kuat yang dirasai.
Rata2 penduduk terpinga2 kerana ramai yang telah lena dibuai mimpi pada waktu kejadian. Apa yang didengar di telinga ketika itu hanyalah laungan dan ketukan kuat di pintu mengarahkan semua penghuni mengosongkan bangunan yang dibina di atas lombong ditambak dan dikhuatiri runtuh.
Hanya pada jam 3 atau 4 pagi penduduk dibenarkan pulang ke rumah masing2 setelah berkampung di padang dengan pengawasan pihak berkuasa. Polis, 2 trak bomba dan FRU datang meronda bagi memastikan keselamatan penduduk terjamin.
Apa yang pastinya, kekecohan yang berlaku adalah berpunca daripada bencana dunia yang menyebabkan ratusan ribu manusia terbunuh. Itu jugalah pengalaman paling dasyat yang pernah saya alami seumur hidup saya bersama penghuni 916 dan jiran2.
Ini kenangan yang tidak dapat dilupakan setiap detik dan ketikanya sehingga ke saat ini. Kalau nak diceritakan lagi, rasanya mahu sampai esok saya menaip. Jadi, eloklah sahaja ditamatkan di sini. Perut terasa lapar pula. Mahu goreng cekodok tuna mayonis.
Salam Rindu dan Sayang Selalu. Assalammualaikum Warahmatullah.... =)
Monday, May 02, 2011
--==[[ Why Worry!~ ]]==--

Credit to Mr. Uj For This Song... :)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
--==[[ Where did you go!~ ]]==--

Sunday, April 24, 2011
--==[[ Canon In D!~ ]]==--

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
--==[[ Leavin' On A Jet Plane!~ ]]==--

Nothing important to do.
So, here some picture.
Not really nice.

Friday, April 15, 2011
--==[[ Munajat Cinta!~ ]]==--

Lagu sila klik button play ya. :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
--==[[ Stir It Up!~ ]]==--
Lagu tak ada kena mengena dengan entry.
Saja nak share.
¸„Ćø¤Āŗ°¨Bob Marley``°Āŗ¤Ćø„¸
Monday, April 11, 2011
Fix You ...

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
Sunday, April 10, 2011
--==[[ Fade To Black!~ ]]==--
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now He's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye
Friday, April 08, 2011

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
--==[[ Gone!~ ]]==--
To make you come home
Oh, seems so long ago you walked away
Left me alone
I remember what you said to me
You were acting so strange
and maybe I was too blind to see
That you needed a change
Was it something I said
To make you turn away?
To make you walk out and leave me cold
If I could just find a way
To make it so that you were right here
But right now..
I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I've drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains..
You're gone..
You're gone..
Baby you're gone
Girl you're gone, baby girl, you're gone..
You're gone..
I don't wanna make excuses, baby
Won't change the fact that you're gone
But if there's something that I could do
Won't you please let me know?
Time is passing so slowly now
Guess that's my life without you
and maybe I could change my every day
But baby I don't want to
So I'll just hang around
and find some things to do
To take my mind off missing you
and I know in my heart
You can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do
I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I Drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
You're gone..
You're gone..
You're gone
You're gone...you're gone.. you're....
Oh what'll I do
If I can't be with you
Tell me where will I turn to
Baby where will I be
Now that we are apart
Am I still in your heart?
Baby why don't you see?
That I need you here with me
I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I've drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
Been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
You're gone..
You're gone..
You're gone
You're gone
You're gone..
But the truth remains
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
--==[[ Forever And One!~ ]]==--
What can I do?
Will I be getting through?
Now that I must try
to leave it all behind
Did you see
What you have done to me
So hard to justify
Slowly is passing by
Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
yet again
Way down in Neverland
So hard I was triyng
Tomorrow I'll still be crying
How could you hide
your lies, your lies
Here I am
Seeing you once again
My mind's so far away
My heart's so close
to stay
Too proud to fight
I'm walking back into night
Will I ever find
Someone to believe?
Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
yet again
Way down in Neverland
So hard I was trying
Tomorrow I'll still be crying
How could you hide your lies
your lies
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Date : 16th January 2008
Day : Thursday
Time : 00:43:27
Venue : Home Sweet Home
So many things cross my mind these days. Am i still who i think i am? Do i have the straight to keep on fighting? All these battles i've gone through. Are they some kind of challange? Or just punishment for the sin of not knowing if i have sinned? My body are bruised and battered. But my mind suffered the most. I thought my way through life. But life fought back.
The more i give. The more i get. I prayed for peace. Hoping for freedom. From all these chaotic situation. Still i get no reply. At least. Not yet. I'm not sure if i should keep on going. Keep on hoping. Keep on wondering. Keep on fighting. Or should i let it be?
Will it count to something? Or will i die for nothing? I can't stop thinking. Am i dying? I'm still living. I'll keep it this way. I'll do it my way. Even there is no way, I'll make my day. This is not the end! Nothing's gonna pinch this nerve of mine. Why doesn't anyone believe in loneliness?
I have million reason why i should run. But, for now, i can't even think of one. who wants to live forever? I'm tired of living...
I love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride~
I love you because i know no other way then this~
So close ... that your hand ... on my chest ... is my hand~
So close ... that when you close your eyes ... I fall asleep~
Just Me ... True Me ... Poor Me ...
--==[[ PrOpErTy Of BadTz ]]==--
End Of Typing: 01:22:14
Friday, April 24, 2009
--==[[ Circle Of LIfe!~ ]]==--
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
--==[[ Cats!~ ]]==--

**Keluar pergi 7E. Beli topap. Call. Sambung carik Junior dengan Tejin. Kesian Tejin. Injured. HueHueHue~ Daa!~~ Muah2!~ Wishin for both 3 of them. I'm lonely. =(
**Bela kucing sebab rasa tanggungjawab.
**Dia memang sengat2 suka dengan kucing. Hek! Hek!
**Sanggup tak makan kalo mknn kucing abeh time duit tadak! Isk! =(
**I do really missin u too.. =(