It Is Very Hard To Say The Exact Truth, Even About Your Own Immediate Feelings

Much Harder Than To Say Something Fine About Them Which Is Not The Exact Truth

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

--==[[ My Baby You!~ ]]==--

How do i tell u how i feel about u?

Every time i think of u, my body shakes. Every time i see u, my knees grow weak. Every time i'm with u, i dont want the time to end. When every time i look into your eyes, i wish i was there. Every time i see u smile, my heart melts. Every night before i go to sleep i pray we dont end.

I've tried somehow to say u're the sun that lights up my sky. The wind that keeps me cool on a hot day. The sweet incense that keeps me on a natural high. I want so much to tell u that without u with me each day my day isn't complete.

Since day one, i've always wanted to be with u. That no matter what's going on in my life, u're the reason there's a smile on my face. Loving u seems to be all i need to know. But, every time i want to tell u, the words just wont come out. To u it may sound mushy or too cute. Maybe u may not believe it. So, it's better i keep my mouth closed.

Then, i try to tell u exactly whats on my mind. Yet, i wish to tell u that i'm beginning to love u more with each passing of the day. I wish that i want to be with u come whatever may. My kind of music, my favorite song, i want to be with you all day n all night long. I know you. You are my one. Added all up, it equals u n me.

My best friend. My only lover. From here on out. I'll keep you forever. A good laugh. With some happy tears. U're the one go to through all the coming years. When it rains it rains. When it sun, it sun. I wrote this specially for u. The only one who knows.

You keep me warm, when i'm so cold. As if my heart were for sale, to you it was sold. Whether playing our favorite games. Or to music we sing n listen. When it comes to u, there's just no competition.

Not the best cut diamonds or the reddest rose could ever amount to when you hold me close. When everything is said n done. The night is over n we've had our fun. Out of all the person i choose just one. The best one of all. That is u. =)


Anonymous said...

hmm.... ;-}
egeggegegge.... shaking shaking...

sya_zachery said...

waaa..leh tahan kekaratan kejiwangan....hek3..amponn

Alang AD said...

agagagaga ..
sebbaek tak karang dalam BM .


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