It Is Very Hard To Say The Exact Truth, Even About Your Own Immediate Feelings

Much Harder Than To Say Something Fine About Them Which Is Not The Exact Truth

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

--==[[ Forever And One!~ ]]==--

What can I do?

Will I be getting through?
Now that I must try
to leave it all behind

Did you see
What you have done to me
So hard to justify
Slowly is passing by

Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
yet again
Way down in Neverland
So hard I was triyng
Tomorrow I'll still be crying
How could you hide
your lies, your lies

Here I am
Seeing you once again
My mind's so far away
My heart's so close
to stay
Too proud to fight
I'm walking back into night
Will I ever find
Someone to believe?

Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
yet again
Way down in Neverland
So hard I was trying
Tomorrow I'll still be crying
How could you hide your lies
your lies

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